Who We Are

The Connect Kids vision is to put an end to the cycle of disadvantage within our communities.

Our Mission

Connect Kids believes we all aspire to live in a community in which its members live a happy, healthy, fulfilling and safe life. The reality is that no matter your postcode, many within our community are not afforded this privilege.

We are a broad-based movement that encourages everyone to involve themselves within their community with disadvantaged children. From the earliest years many children are brought up in an environment where their basic rights are not a part of their daily lives. In the worst cases, abuse is a common and constant part of their lives and the basic necessities are not always there for them. These children are vulnerable and at risk.

Statistics suggest that the abused of one generation have a 70% chance of becoming the abusers of the next generation, thus perpetuating this vicious cycle. The simple act of engaging positively with these children can reduce their chances of disadvantage by 30%. Through mentoring programs with children their risks of disadvantage are further reduced. This simple act of connection represents a significant human saving and also alleviates an otherwise growing economic burden that will be absorbed by the broader community.

At ConnectKids we strive to give these children an opportunity to become involved in the broader community and to be contributing members of society. When this is achieved children will turn the tide of generational disadvantage and leave a new legacy.

We invite the community to take ownership of reducing this alarming trend of disadvantage. The benefits to the community as a whole cannot be underestimated.

Meet The Team


    Gordon has been involved with various Sunshine Coast community groups for many years. Through his involvement with the local disability charity The Board Meeting, Gordon was directly exposed to the damaging effects that disadvantage brings to communities.

    It was this experience that drove him to develop this program over the past 5 years to specifically tackle disadvantage across the entire community. Gordon has himself been an active mentor of a number of children for years and knows first-hand the impact that mentoring has as a lasting solution to the issues that disadvantage causes.

  • CEO

    Volunteering as a Mentor for Connect Kids since 2021, Sonja was not only inspired by the impact our charity makes but became immediately 'hooked', finding the experience truly rewarding and life changing.

    Sonja's advocacy work is at the heart of her mission to effect positive change for marginalised individuals and communities. Through her diverse career background in housing, human resources & youth out-of-home care she leverages her experiences to address systemic inequities and empower those in need.

    As the CEO of Connect Kids, Sonja is dedicated to amplifying the voices of the unheard and overlooked. She confronts societal challenges head-on, advocating for resource allocation and community-driven initiatives aimed at creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

    Her advocacy efforts encompass a wide range of issues, from basic rights to combating abuse and ensuring essential needs are met. Sonja's leadership guides Connect Kids in making tangible differences in the lives of those most at risk.

    She firmly believes that postcode should not dictate privilege, leading Connect Kids in its mission to support disadvantaged children and empower communities. Her passion for justice and compassion for others drive her relentless efforts to dismantle barriers, challenge stereotypes, and build bridges of understanding and solidarity.

    Through her advocacy work, Sonja strives to create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances.


    Trish has had many years of experience in Chartered Accounting, financial and business management. Since moving to the coast she has found a passion for social justice and addressing social inequality and is currently studying a Bachelor of Human Services at the University of the Sunshine Coast.


    Meet Paola, the mentor program coordinator and dedicated support worker with a passion for Psychology. Currently in her third year of study at the University of the Sunshine Coast, Paola brings a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience to her role. Her journey in support work spans several years, during which she has had the opportunity to engage with a diverse range of participants.

    Paola’s approach is marked by compassion and tailored support, reflecting on the understanding of human behaviour. Each interaction fosters meaningful connection and positive outcomes! Through her own journey, Paola has learnt everybody is diverse and beautiful in their own way, creating a judgement free zone within conversations.

    Paola is a very enthusiastic and curious person; nothing gives her more excitement than meeting a someone new and getting to know them with time. A typical day with Paola might include a blend of activities designed to reconnect with nature and finding value in self-reflection. Paola may introduce activities to improve fine and gross motor skills; walking, exercising, arts and crafts etc,. depending on the needs of each person. With Paola you may explore hidden locations like waterfalls, walks and beaches on the coast, as well as rainy activities, like enjoying a day shopping, catching up on appointments, or cooking and baking.

    Despite her time being mainly dedicated to studying, in her spare time Paola has a variety of hobbies and interests: artsy activities (painting, drawing, crocheting, sewing, photography, fashion), exercise (mainly running, or hiking), and reading. Music is another great passion for Paola, working with sound through singing and mixing music. She is also a bit food lover! Coming from Italy, good food has always been integrated into her life, giving her a great opportunity to learn many cooking skills.

    After her journey from Italy to her current home, Paola learnt to value the importance of individuality and expressing oneself in the best way possible. She recognises the value of communication, patience and has a great sense of humour! That just about sums it up, Paola loves spending time in nature and in the sunshine.


    Nicole is a passionate and committed advocate for disadvantaged children. Throughout her career she has managed large programs supporting at risk and disadvantaged children in North Carolina, USA and here locally on the Sunshine Coast.

    In these roles, she has advocated for children’s needs on paediatric oncology and general surgical wards, supported children with a disability to connect with therapy and community supports and had the privilege of managing over 14 research projects to influence medical systems to support the psychosocial needs of very vulnerable hospitalised children.

    She is the co-author of 2 parenting books and has published over 14 internationally peer reviewed research articles. Nicole studied Child Development and Family Relations and graduated with honours from Western Carolina University in the USA.

    Nicole is a local and is enjoying raising her two teenage children on the beautiful Sunshine Coast.


    Lauren is the owner and Director of Thea Media, a Sunshine Coast-based digital marketing agency that has been providing ongoing marketing support and guidance to Connect Kids for over 18 months. With a deep passion for creating positive local impact, Lauren is dedicated to leveraging her business expertise for good.

    With many years of experience in marketing, she brings a strategic approach to help Connect Kids amplify its reach and communicate their important mission in the most cost-effective way possible. Lauren’s pro bono work has significantly contributed to increasing awareness and engagement within the community, ensuring that more vulnerable children and families benefit from the life-changing mentoring programs Connect Kids offers.


    Danny aspires to empower individuals and is passionate about making a positive difference in his community. Danny has been in the recruitment industry for over 20 years, working for both the private and not for profit sectors, responsible for all aspects of industry recruitment and supply of staff for industry needs.

    Danny founded and coordinated 2 charities, the BEST Community Shed and the BEST Food Garden in Inverell NSW. Both of these charities are still operating today and making a positive impact in the community. Danny was honoured to receive the 2017 Inverell Citizen of the year for his charitable work and for his contributions to the Inverell and surrounding communities.

Our goal is to deliver an accessible, personalised and effective mentoring program that provides life changing results for disadvantaged children and a life affirming experience for mentors.